Based on the movie animation of Street Fighter II, this game takes place of a cyborg that M. Bison constructed to be the final contender of Street Fitgher tournament. As the games goes on you’ll see different scenes of the animated movie and you [...]
The game focuses mostly on reality fighting than fictional. At the start of the game in 1P mode, the player will face against the other fighter that uses the same fighting style as the one the player chose. After the player wins against the opponent, the [...]
Boxing shows a top-down view of two boxers, one white and one black. When close enough, a boxer can hit his opponent with a punch (executed by pressing the fire button on the Atari joystick). This causes his opponent to reel back slightly. Long punches [...]
This game is based on the boxing Manga and Anime series “Hajime no Ippo” created by Jyoji “George” Morikawa. It was released only in Japan. The story focuses heavily on character development, even during the matches something is [...]