Jack T. Ladd is a man in debt. And the tax man hates to wait. On a world that spans 3 planets, 1 Cloud City and at least 4 bars. It’s up to you to pay back the tax man, clear your name and get yourself involved in a huge number of strange and [...]
You and Grandpa are down on the farm. There are critters, bottles, and varmints everywhere — in the barn, in the yard, and in the cornfield. Grandpa has given you an Atari light gun to help protect the farm. The moving targets are a challenge. Can [...]
Arcade combat racer developed by K-D Lab (now KD Vision) for the PC. Notably, it features a tactical, turn-based mode for “people who do not have good reflexes.”
“Contradiction is an interactive crime drama game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. It’s a brand new take on the concept of an interactive movie and brings the genre to a whole new level of playability. Contradiction [...]
Squids Odyssey is a unique mix of action strategy and RPG: build your team of Squid heroes for epic turn-based battles against corrupted crabs and shrimps! Steev, Vahine and the rest of the Squids are in danger! An infectious black ooze is corrupting [...]