".hack//G.U. begins after the events of the original .hack series with players assuming the role of Haseo as he tracks down a powerful Player Killer named Tri-Edge who killed his friend’s in-game avatar Shino, and put her in a coma in real life."
Kero Blaster is a platform video game created by Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya. It was released in 2014 for PC and iOS and is the first major project of Pixel since Cave Story in 2004. The game lays a heavy emphasis on shooting and got positive [...]
Kingdom Hearts III is the tenth main installment in the Kingdom Hearts series. It focuses on a boy named Sora and his friends Donald and Goofy, as they travel to many different worlds, many of them Disney-inspired.
Despite it being midsummer, the seasons in various locations are completely out of whack. The Hakurei Shrine is showered in cherry petals, the Youkai Mountain is basking in the middle of autumn, and the Forest of Magic is blanketed in snow... and thanks [...]
Galaxy Annihilation is a shoot’em up where we need to protect the planet earth from an impending alien attack. Game features: – 3 difficulties (easy, normal, hard) – 31 missions. – 4 worlds. – 15 ships. – 12 weapons. [...]
An ancient evil has awoken, and it just gave you the Stink Eye!
Loosen those thumbs and prepare to raise them in victory when you beat STINK EYE in this fast, fun and frantic slice of arcade shooter action!
Test your reflexes. Blast the sneaky alien [...]
Darkfall Online is an MMORPG released in 2009 and got shut down in 2012. Darkfall: New Dawn is a licensing project rebooting the original game and then will continue to improve its functionalities until it reaches its full potential. Design wise, New Dawn [...]