The game begins in the film’s final scene, with Tony Montana’s (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa’s assassins. But this is the point of divergence from the film. Instead of being killed by the Skull, Tony manages to [...]
Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare ## Description Rising Eagle is a multiplayer tactical shooter which takes place in the year 2040’s conflicts around the world, with the United States trying to reclaim its status after being weakened by a [...]
Scientists figure out how to use the timelock to send someone to any point in time, Sam travels back to ancient Rome as people haven’t been returning from that period and ends up fighting Mental’s minions once again. The game has ten weapons [...]
This is a 3D-based sequel to Rygar, a Tecmo title which was successful in the arcades and on many home systems. In the land of Argos, Princess Harmonia is kidnapped by the Titans, who are led by ancient gods Cleopatra and a winged-demon character named [...]
A first-person shooter with attempts at simulation-centric gameplay, primarily comprised of fighting criminal and terrorist threats around the world for vaguely defined reasons.