In this sequel to Enigmo players must utilize a variety of new tools, gadgets, and the power of the third dimension itself to solve fifty brand new physics puzzles.
Diablo III is an action role-playing game that takes place throughout the dark fantasy world of Sanctuary. You play a hero who engages in fast-paced combat that tests your reflexes and rewards tactical decisions. As you slay hordes of monsters and [...]
In 1988, a brand new deep sleep cell was released, compatible with all popular 16 bit computers. Unfortunately, it used big endian, whereas the DCPU-16 specifications called for little endian. This led to a severe bug in the included drivers, causing a [...]
You’re an Osmo, a strange creature indeed. You explore the galaxy in your spaceship, and the planets you encounter are almost as bizarre as the Osmos themselves. There are seven worlds presented for your consideration, each more goofy and peculiar [...]
Cosmic Wars (コズミックウォーズ Kozumikku Wōzu?) is a turn-based strategy video game produced by Konami in 1989 which is based upon the characters and conflicts of the popular Gradius series. It was released only in Japan. The game received a sequel in 1997, with [...]
Navigate the beauty and hazards of the solar system while riding on a wave of light in this innovative action-puzzle game. On your journey to restore light to a dying galaxy being consumed by a Singularity, you’ll travel from Pluto to the Sun and [...]
A collaboration between Vlambeer (Super Crate Box), Zach Gage (SpellTower), and Greg Wohlwend (Puzzle Juice), telling a story of persistence, redemption, and an extravagantly unorthodox fishing technique.