PimpWars ## Description Saving a failing restaurant may sound like a peculiar premise for a game, but any skepticism is forgotten at this diversion’s base recipe for its salvation: to raise enough capital ($5 million) to purchase Flaming [...]
The Eternal Adventure ## Description Like VariTale before it, TEA is a BBS door for automating the infrastructure permitting the playing of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure type plot-forking games — all it needs are the stories, provided by your BBS [...]
Freshwater Fishing Simulator No predator will resist you with the Predator Pack. Combining force and precision, this complete kit with official rods, reels and lures is a must for catching bass, perch, trout and other predators. The Predator Pack [...]
Bazooka of the Red Dragon ## Description A fond, if somewhat limited, adaptation of fellow BBS door and namesake Legend of the Red Dragon, BORD ramps up the silliness still further while offering much of the same gameplay — single-key menu-driven [...]
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ## Description A good example of the difference a little multimedia can do, the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes plays like a textmode proof-of-concept of the better-known Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective. The basic [...]