わたしの記憶が確かならば、今回紹介するのは料理バトルゲーム「Battle Chef Brigade」は、Kickstarter掲載のティザー動画で国内外の注目を大きく集めた。手描きイラストがそのまま動くアートワーク。モンスターをハントし食材とするファンタジー界ならではのグルメ。そして美食アカデミー主宰鹿賀丈史のパロディで期待をあおられた人は多かろう。 [...]
PROS Gorgeous art style Endearing cast of characters Satisfying combat against unique creatures Flexible match-three system makes you feel creative and clever CONS No head-to-head multiplayer Leveling up lacks exciting rewards Small cast of playable [...]
really, really want to watch a movie version of Battle Chef Brigade. Who could resist this treatment: It’s Iron Chef meets Lord of the Rings! The mythical kingdom of Victusia is tragically overrun by monsters, a scourge kept in check by an army of [...]
Battle Chef Brigade is not for the careful, by-the-book type of cook. It is for the kitchen-curious, the creatively inclined, the culinary improvisers who look at a pan of sizzling meat or veggies and say “I wonder what this would taste like if I [...]