Jurassic Park is an action-adventure video game for the Super NES based on the movie adaptation of the book by Michael Crichton. It was developed by Ocean Software and released in 1993 in North America and PAL regions, and published and released by Jaleco [...]
Revenge is sweet – and the objective of this game is to “get it.” Your task is to help Pee Wee blow up Porky’s bar and obtain as many points as possible.
Beowulf: The Mobile Game Become Beowulf in the movie’s official mobile game. Discover pure action when battling the largest monsters ever seen on mobile phones. Franchise: Beowulf It takes about 1 hour to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Easy
You are Hawkeye Pierce, Chief Medical Surgeon of the 4077th MASH. Your responsibilities include rescuing injured men from the battlefield, performing surgery in the operating room, or, in an alternative game, picking up Colonel Potter’s skydiving [...]
Join an epic adventure with the Angry Birds in the legendary Star Wars universe, re-mastered for gaming systems! Use the Force, wield your Lightsaber, and blast away Pigtroopers on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of Tatooine to the depths of the [...]
The game's four levels are dotted with threats from creatures in addition to headhunters and the surrounding terrain. Player have to wander around the island, collecting various objects, speaking with the other castaways (the millionaire, his wife, the [...]