This is the first of a planned trilogy of games based on Clive Barker’s movie Nightbreed (the second game was Nightbreed: The Interactive Movie, and the third game was never released). This is a side-scrolling action game where Boone must fight his [...]
This is a mixture of action and adventure in a game based off of Clive Barker’s movie “Nightbreed” (which is based of Barker’s novella Cabal). You play Aaron Boone, the main character from both the book and the movie. Boone is [...]
In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban videogame, Harry Potter fans will experience the magic and peril of Harry’s third year at Hogwarts. For the first time gamers will play as friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as well as Harry Potter, [...]
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets continues the PlayStation adventures of the bespectacled boy wizard as he returns to Hogwarts to begin a second year of studies. Things do not go smoothly, however, as the game closely follows the events found in [...]