Following the adventures of Lazarus Jones on his first day on the Detroit Police Force, Ghosthunter sees the plucky rookie called in to investigate a disturbance in an old abandoned school, the scene of a grisly (and ultimately unsolved) mass-murder. [...]
The heroic lombax, Ratchet, returns this fall in an all-new adventure with Ratchet & Clank® Future: Quest for Booty. A stand-alone adventure for both fans and newcomers to the franchise, Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty offers up to four [...]
Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and a squad of CBDC agents attempt to leave Kazakhstan after gathering Jonathan Phagan's back-up files only to be ambushed by the Agency, who capture Lian. The SVR arrives to cover Gabe's tracks, as he attempts to swap the data [...]
Play the role of a deity in a land where the surroundings are yours to shape and its people are yours to lord over. Be an evil, malevolent god and the natives will worship you with fear in their eyes. Play as a kind, benevolent god and they will worship [...]
Professional hockey comes to the Game Boy Color with NHL 2000. You can choose from all of the NHL teams, including the expansion Atlanta Thrashers. Play an Exhibition game to work on your tactics and strategies, and when you are ready for long-term [...]
Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction is a real-time strategy game featuring three different species, all vying for control of the planet LV-742. Players can command an elite force of Colonial Marines, stalk their prey as a member of the Predator clan, or [...]
DRL, formerly DoomRL, is an independent game that applies the classic gameplay of roguelikes such as Nethack to the familiar tropes and setting of Doom and Doom II.