“The future of gaming can be summed up in two words — Pong and Joust.” …with these prophetic words on rec.games.video.classic, “Otter” planted the seeds for the game you see before you now. FlapPing, at its core, is an [...]
Starsiege takes place in the 29th century, portraying the conflict between humanity and the artificially intelligent Cybrid war machines. Played out in various locations throughout the solar system, the story examines both civil unrest in the colonies and [...]
This game is based on the animated television series Family Guy. It was also released for the PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox. The game is split into 22 levels for the three playable characters: Peter, Stewie or Brian. Peter and Stewie have eight [...]
Black Shades, the cross platform, open-source, psychic body guard game, has made its way onto the iPhone and iPod Touch! Black Shades was one of the winners of the UDevGame 2002 game contest.
While the game is set only twenty years after its predecessor, the world of Tiberian Sun is much different. The lethal Tiberium continues to infect the world at an ever-increasing rate which has made most of the Earth uninhabitable for human beings. To [...]
A side-scrolling, four-player American football game that can be played as two-on-two, one-on-two, etc. The game is somewhat primitive in that there is no play pattern selection; only the receiver can be selected before play begins. One player controls [...]
You take the role of the daring air pirate Nathan Zachary, leader of the infamous Fortune Hunters. The high-flying adventure's single player campaign is filled with escapes, defense/escort missions and dogfights. You can take on friends over Xbox Live! as well.
You lost your memory, you are alone in a world full of danger, and your mission is survive using your mind. The only way to get out from this hell is.....Hi i'm GLAdOS, and welcome to the amazing world of portal 2, here i will expose you to a lot of [...]