Similar to Fall of the Foot Clan, the previous Game Boy game in the series, the player can switch between turtles before each stage. Each turtle has his own strengths and weaknesses. Donatello has a long range of attack, but attacks slowly, Raphael's [...]
Penguin Adventure: the main character – a male penguin – must save the penguin princess from a sickness that has spread across the penguin world. The cure to the sickness can be found in the Golden Apple of the Golden Apple Tree. In this [...]
Recent account calculations have shown that Yakko, Wakko and Dot have cost Warner more money in accumulated damage than they have generated profit since their escape from the water-tower. The Board of Directors are now giving them one last chance to [...]
A children’s game about Flipper the dolphin and his human friend, Lopaka. Together, they must prevent archaeologists from taking priceless artifacts from the underwater city of Quetzo.