Action game, based on the Shonen Jump manga. This sequel to the very first Naruto game on the GBA (the second game was a much different simulation/adventure) has three-times the amount of stages and characters twice the size. The action is streamlined and [...]
Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 promises to unleash a tornado of ninja action and adventure that the franchise is known for, with over eighty playable characters, advanced online modes and enhanced fighting mechanics that allow anyone to become a ninja master.
Based on episodes from VIZ Media’s hit anime series Shonen Jump Naruto, the new game features a unique time-based combat system in which players must determine each character’s strengths and use them accurately to help them defeat the enemy. [...]
Based on the popular NARUTO Shippuden animated series from VIZ Media, players assume control of over 10 of their favorite ninja, including the dreaded Akatsuki. NARUTO Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising promises to deliver fierce ninja action as players [...]
The game follows the Saiyan Saga of the original DBZ story starting from the World Tournament and Goku’s triumphant defeat of Piccolo. Players take the role of Goku and travel the DBZ universe from jungle to Snow Mountain on their quest to victory. [...]