Digimon World: Next Order is an upcoming Digimon role-playing game. The game’s story centers around two potential main characters: Japanese third-year high school students Takuto and Shiki.
Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan is a Japanese handheld version of the original Tamagotchi-like Digimon pet for the WonderSwan. It includes all of the original Digimon from the five different pet devices. In this game the player can have up to five [...]
If you thought Digimon didn’t drive cars, you’re wrong. In Digimon Racing, the Digimon crew just got their first set of wheels, and they’re ready to tear up more than 15 tracks. As your favorite Digimon character from the animated TV [...]
Jam-packed with an all-star cast from the Digimon Universe, Digimon All-Star Rumble throws down with immersive 3D battle arenas and high-impact, in-your-face fighting action. After overcoming countless crises, the Digital World now exists peacefully once [...]
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers is a role-playing video game by Bandai, for the WonderSwan. It was released in Japan on 3 August 2000. The game is based on the manga series Digimon, in which children can travel to a digital world and help good digital [...]
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers is a Role-Playing game, developed by Sims and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2000. Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers is a Role-Playing game, developed by Sims and published by Bandai, which was released [...]