Jill of the Jungle is a platform sidescroller which was released during the same period as Commander Keen and Duke Nukem. Players play as an Amazon woman who can use various types of weapons and enhancements as she progresses through levels slaying [...]
Justice League Heroes is a console video game for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation Portable systems. It is based on DC Comics’ premier superhero team, the Justice League of America. It was developed by Snowblind Studios and [...]
From the creators of Dynasty Warriors comes an unbelievable game that tells the tale of the epic Trojan War. In this ancient time, men and gods fought alongside one another for eternal glory. Carve your name into history as you experience amazing action [...]
ALL HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE Stop the Evil Ninja Lord Gyaku from opening the Dragon Cloud temple’s portal to Hell and unleashing his demon minions upon Kasumi Island and the world. Battle it out in this bloody brawler in 1 Player Story mode or [...]
The game chronicles the never-ending battle between valiant heroes and the destructive powers of Chaos harnessed by the Black Ring, a cult of enduring evil. You play the role of the prophesised Chosen One who under the guidance of the wizard Zandalor must [...]
A typically nasty secret order has summoned up a dragon, and is using it to wreak havoc upon the city. But it's not down to Carrot and co to stop it. It's down to Rincewind, the highly inept wizard. The player takes control of him, and try to save the [...]
Tibia is one of the oldest and most successful massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) created in Europe. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic [...]