This expansion adds all-new units and strategies to the exciting gameplay offered by Dawn of War. The Imperial Guard brings new weaponry, including heavy armor, new troop units as well as defensive and ranged tactics overwhelming numbers. Coupled with new [...]
In Sanctum 2, you will have to utilize elements of multiple gameplay genres to succeed. Build towers and walls during the building phase before the enemies attack, then jump into the fray and help your towers blast everything to pieces in FPS-mode. You [...]
You are Gideon Wyeth, one of the last remaining humans. An alien race called the Seekers are hell bent on destroying the human race. After earth is destroyed you take refuge with an ally alien race called Aurelians. The Aurelians aid and train you to [...]
“This is Commander Bagdasarian of space frontier colony Delta 5-5. We have been overrun. I repeat, we have been overru…..” The recording ended in a wash of static. “That’s all we’ve got.” The dispatcher spoke with [...]
The Government has covered up the greatest secret of the 20th century. Tex doesn’t like secrets. It’s April 2043 and you- as Tex Murphy, the last of the old-style gumshoes- find yourself racing against time in the most dangerous game of your [...]
Opposing Force opens with Shephard riding on a V-22 Osprey with his squad. His squad discuss their deployment, somewhat irritated that they have not been told what they are being deployed for. However, as they are nearing their Landing Zone at Black Mesa, [...]