Set in the fictional Metro City, the player controls one of three characters—former pro wrestler and newly elected mayor Mike Haggar, his daughter's boyfriend Cody, and Cody's best friend Guy—as they set out to defeat the Mad Gear gang and rescue Haggar's [...]
The Virtua Fighter family enters the next generation with a bang! Meet VF Kids! They’re small, fast, and hold the secret to all 2,000 Virtua Fighter moves! With hilarious animations and sound effects, and running 20% faster than VF2, this is a must [...]
When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, only one man has the diplomatic finesse to defuse a simmering situation before it boils over into a stew of butchery and bloodshed: Detective Inspector Hector. He’s all they’ve got. Literally. [...]
Build a spaceship out of a bunch of old junk and attempt to survive encounters with asteroids, slavers and smugglers as you haul cargo across the galaxy.
Unbelievable stunt sequences performed by Jackie Chan! Classic Jackie weapons that include chairs, brooms and more! Movie sequences that feature hilarious Jackie Chan outtakes! Tons of enemies and high-powered bosses to kick around! Motion-captured [...]
The Ultima VIII Pagan starts exactly where Ultima VII ended. Avatar is cast to the world of Pagan by the Guardian. In the meantime, the Guardian is taking control over Britannia and Avatar has to find the way to leave Pagan and save Britannia from the [...]
Tapper, also known as Root Beer Tapper, is a 1983 arcade game released by Bally Midway. The goal of the game is to serve beer and collect empty mugs and tips.