Based on the film that’s an adaptation of the Street Fighter franchise. Street Fighter: The Movie is a 2D, one-on-one fighting game that utilizes digitized graphics. You have a selection of 16 playable characters, 14 are immediately available and [...]
An engineer named Franco Delile and his partner Sarah are called to fix an elevator on the Sprawl (a space station of a shard of Titan, one of Saturn's moons that was "planet-cracked"), only to discover evidence of sabotage. They are then called to fix a [...]
Eat or be eaten! Assume the role of an animal in it’s early stages of evolutionary development. As your animal instincts take over, you will boldly traverse hostile environments, savagely stalking your prey to assert your place in the animal chain [...]
L.O.L: Lack Of Love, is an evolutionary adventure game developed by Love-de-Lic and published by ASCII Entertainment for the Sega Dreamcast. The game was released exclusively in Japan on November 2, 2000.
A life simulation which shows how organisms evolve. Take control of one of life’s earliest lifeforms and, depending on what environment and habitat you prefer to use, watch as your organism starts to evolve and adapt to its surroundings. You control [...]