Set in a dystopian America in the not-so distant future. CORRUPTION is a new tactical strategy game from The Bearded Ladies, creators of ‘Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden’. Corruption 2029
In the near future, three armies have developed to the point of controlling Earth, and fight to expand their borders.
It all starts when China attacks Russia, and creates the Great Empire. It starts conquering Asian lands, and Australia in a relative [...]
You can play as the leader of a revolt in the turn-based strategy game Rebelstar: Tactical Command. The Arelian Empire seized control of Earth 70 years ago and has since become an oppressive regime, controlling the world with fear and marauding shock [...]
HONG KONG. A stable and prosperous port of call in a sea of chaos, warfare, and political turmoil. The Hong Kong Free Enterprise Zone is a land of contradictions - it is one of the most successful centers of business in the Sixth World, and home to one of [...]