This sixth installment in the Ace Combat series is a prequel to Ace Combat 5 that tells about the Belkan War eluded to in Unsung War. The story is told through the eyes of a reporter, 15 years after the altercation, uncovering secrets about the Belkan War [...]
MLB 09: The Show is a baseball simulation video game developed by SCE San Diego Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Portable systems.[1] It belongs to the Major League Baseball game [...]
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams os the sixth installment of Capcom’s Onimusha overall series, while being the fourth game in the canonical main series. The plot is set in ancient Japan decades after the events of Onimusha 3: Demon Siege and focuses on [...]
They’re called kinetic suits. They represent a total merging of man and machine with one goal in mind: speed. High speed. The “drivers” do more than operate their cycles — they become cycles for insane velocity and maneuverability [...]
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury is a fighting game released by Eighting in 2002. It is an updated version of the PS2 game Bloody Roar 3. Players can control a number of characters which have the ability to morph into powerful animals, such as tigers and wolves.
The Future of Racing! -Race for glory in the Grand Prix cups, speed through an incredible storyline as Captain Falcon, take on up to three friends, build and customize your own machine, challenge your time ghosts, and more! -Steer through danger with the [...]
FIFA Street 3 is an arcade-style sports game for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo DS. It is the third game in the FIFA Street series created by EA Sports BIG.
Long ago, the Gurongi Tribe terrorized the Linto until a warrior named Kuuga appeared and defeated the Gurongi, sealing their leader within a cave. In present day, a multi-talented man named Yusuke Godai finds himself linked to the mysterious stoned belt [...]