The story of Rival Schools introduces the player to a Japanese city called Aoharu City, where several local schools are the victims of unknown attacks and kidnappings of students and staff. The various characters in the game set out to find who is [...]
Handle the road like a pro with your own customizable racing machine or your choice of more than 60 top-of-the-line models. Race vehicles from manufacturers, including Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Subaru, and Mitsubishi, against up to eight drivers online or up [...]
Ridge Racer 7 is the seventh console installment in the Ridge Racer series of racing games, released on PlayStation 3. The game has around 40 cars, many of which return from Ridge Racer 6 and the PSP incarnations of the game. There are also 22 courses, [...]
Fight Night Round 4 is a boxing video game developed by EA Sports. It is the sequel to Fight Night Round 3, released in 2006. It was released on June 25, 2009 in North America and on June 26, 2009 in Europe, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[3] The [...]
Players can discover the open mountain in the newest version of the smash-hit SSX snowboarding franchise. SSX 3 allows gamers to go anywhere gravity will take them. Players will discover a colossal mountain where they can immerse themselves in a [...]
The future of racing is here, and it’s called MOTORHEAD. This game allows you to hop in one of 10 streamlined racers and test your skills on eight obstacle-filled courses that wind through urban, desert, and seaside terrain.
All over the city, innocent people are being mysteriously abducted, never to be seen again. During his investigations of these incidents, Shinji Kido – an intern at the online news service ORE Journal – discovers one of the Advent Card decks at an [...]