Both games can be played in 4K resolution and 60 fps, including many other improvements that bring these two classic titles into 2019 with the attention and love that they deserve. Hitman HD Enhanced Collection will feature: 4K visuals at 60 frames per [...]
The 4K Cinematic Pack renders cinematics at 4K resolution. Experience the epic story of the Bright Lord and the war for Mordor brought to life in breathtaking detail.
Tetris Effect is Tetris like you've never seen it, or heard it, or felt it before—an incredibly addictive, unique, and breathtakingly gorgeous reinvention of one of the most popular puzzle games of all time, from the people who brought you the [...]
ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER – M∀RS Remastered in 4K and full VR. Enter Orbital Frame JEHUTY’s cockpit and fly trhough Martian skies! Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner M∀RS