Are you ready to help the sweet Gingerman in his journey? Help the Gingerman to find his treasures! Avoid the enemies, use your candy weapon and bonuses to reach the end of each levels!
This Game is ready to be exported in Intel XDK and be used with AdmobAds
AdMob is currently only officially supported with the Intel® XDKUse the AdmobAds to add your ads’ ID and start monetizing with this game!
You’ll find a step by step handbook about the implementation of AdmobAds here WARNING: the admob plugin ID (com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob) in this guide is not updated. The latest plugin is: cordova-plugin-admobpro.
You need to select third party plugins, ensure you are sourcing from the Cordova plugin registry, and enter cordova-plugin-admobpro in the Plugin ID field.
We can’t offer any support for uses of the game in third party software.