Alfin una demo jugable para “BIFT” Lamentamos tener esos problemas con el aterior… Nuestro equipo es nuevo en [ IndieDB ] asi que quizas tengamos mas problemas futuros Back In Future Time Demo Jugable was developed by MaxEvil’s [...]
**** // New build the 1.2 is live !! go check it out, it as now BOTS!!!! //**** Aces is a project that was made by 6 last year students from Supinfogame. The main intention is to merge the tactic and teamplay from the MOBA genre with the dynamism and the [...]
Strait up CLASSIC Tower Defense game! 2 Towers at launch (With over 20 coming in the next month!) 2 Maps at launch (With over 10 coming in the next month!) Traps coming in the next week! Music (WITH PERMISSION) By: DaPlaque All of this and you are [...]
Esta es la nueva demo mas avanzada que tenemos hasta el momento, tenemos mucho mas por progresar en el juego… Esperamos disfruten el juego 😉 Back In Future Time Pre-Alpha 6 was developed by MaxEvil’s Legacy, Released in 2014-05-09 Back In [...]
Resurgence Raging Next Level is the second game in the Resurgence Raging series of video games, and was developed by Resurgence Infinite Next. STORY Resurgence Raging Next Level puts you in the shoes of a veteran soldier who needs to infiltrate into a [...]
Real time “Tower Offense” single/multiplayer tactical action with easy Drag & Target & Drop controls yet plenty of game play depth! Assault Wave was developed by Aniway, Released in 2013-06-24 Assault Wave was Released on [...]
Lately your enemy has changed strategy to core. They won’t confront you head on… instead cowards have created whole set of autonomous weapons which are blood thirsty. When you enter warzone, you will see them waiting for you to attack equipped with [...]
You fly a biplane a certain distance to deliver some intelligence (or something along those lines) while avoiding bullets, flak and possibly some kind of exploding balloons or birds. When you hit something and your engine can be damaged, then you are [...]