Payday 2: Hotline Miami is a collaboration between Overkill and Dennaton Games, bringing exclusive Hotline Miami-themed DLC to Payday 2. The Hotline Miami DLC includes a themed heist to play cooperatively online.
Oddworld: Abes Oddysee New n Tasty will be the latest in a series of reboots that push HD into the classic Oddworld titles from decades ago. This is being completed by the dev studio Just Add Water.
Protect the universe from the evil Alien robots terror-bent on eliminating the Earth and all of Humanity! Take control of the ship and blast the hell out of anything that moves and if it doesn’t move – blast it anyway to be sure. Collect coins to get [...]
Another World™ chronicles the story of Lester Knight Chaykin, a young scientist hurtled through space and time by a nuclear experiment that goes wrong. In an alien and inhospitable world, you will have to dodge, outwit, and overcome the host of [...]
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP is an exploratory action adventure with an emphasis on audiovisual style. Traverse a mythic little realm, use a sword to do battle & evoke sworcery to solve mystical musical mysteries.
Street Fighter X Mega Man is a crossover platform game created by Singaporean fan developer Seo Zong Hui with support from Capcom. The game will be free to download from Capcom-Unity on December 17, 2012. The game celebrates the 25th anniversary of [...]
Point Blank takes place in a government district where the US ambassador John Gaiden is being held hostage. Renegade ex-CIA agent Rygor Manson is behind the kidnapping, and this means that freeing the ambassador will require real pros – Gus Tarballs, [...]