Find and spot all hidden objects! In one famous ski center the guests are extremely scared. And yes, they have a reason for that. Few of them have been witnesses of a ghost that has entered into their rooms so after this strange happening, they all left [...]
Find and spot all hidden objects! People are sometimes urged to leave their homes and more to some other place. The reasons for that are numerous. Some people like to live to certain more urban place or completely the opposite, some quieter place. Often [...]
Find and spot all the hidden objects! Laura and Sara are mother and daughter fhat live in their old fashioned vintage farm. Each summer they need special help and other farmers, relatives and fiends come to help them. The most important activity is few [...]
Find and spot all the given hidden objects! Sometimes working together can be difficult for married couples because they spend all the time in the day together. By combining their private and professional life, people open new possibilities for quarrels [...]
Find and spot all hidden objects! Even though some women try to present it like something very simple, being a working mom of two is not an easy job! It may be easy if you just go to work and someone else takes care for the children and the house, but if [...]
Find and spot all the hidden objects! Amanda and Carolyn are two sisters that really love traveling. Together they have visited so many exotic places and they really enjoy discovering new thins, meeting new people. They believe that their travels are the [...]
Find and spot all the hidden objects! Peter Pan is a story bound character developed by the Scottish novelist J. M. Barrie. It is about free spirited and naughty young boy who is able to fly and never grows up. This boy lives in the land known as [...]
Find and spot all the hidden objects! Meet Alexis. She is a real fan of cooking. She doesn’t take cooking just as responsibility that has to be done but as something very interesting, a field where she could experiment and have fun, always finding [...]