Microsoft Flight is an aviation game from Microsoft Studios created as a successor to the discontinued Microsoft Flight Simulator series. The game is offered “free-to-play”; charging gamers for downloading extra content, aircraft or scenery. [...]
Join The Mobile Trench Brigade and protect humanity from the evil Monovision menace in this Tower Defense Shooter from Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Productions. Use a combination of mobile firepower and stationary defenses to turn the tide of war in [...]
Be a geomaster without any hassle! Discover landmarks, cities, and many other things… Enjoy this cultural and funny experience! Around the World brings fun to geography! Whether you’re alone and want to improve your knowledge or you want to [...]
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater ## Description The sequel to Microsoft’s first Combat Flight Simulator, the focus shifts to the Pacific theater, where carrier battles and island hopping dominate the strategy. Fly for the [...]
The Maw is set in a futuristic universe. The game begins with Frank, a pacifist bipedal alien, and The Maw, a purple one-eyed creature with large teeth, both having been captured by the Galactic Bounty Hunters. For unknown reasons the ship on which they [...]
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight ## Description As the name suggests, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight, is that year’s version of the popular simulator from Microsoft and celebrates 100 years of flight. Flight [...]