MU Ignition for WWW is a MMORPG developed by the creators of MU Online Webzen Studio. ### Plot MU Ignition takes us to the titular world of Mu a mythical continent that, according to James Churchward, existed over fifty thousand years ago and got [...]
Designed with AND and iOS in mind, First Hero is a strategy game in which players take control of legendary heroes known from history cards. The Korean company Webzen, known among others from Mu Online, is responsible for the creation of this production. [...]
MU Rebirth is a new incarnation of one of the most popular free MMORPGs, MU Online, which since its premiere in 2003 has enjoyed a constant interest of players for years. It was created by the authors of the original – the company Webzen, which had [...]
MU Origin 2 is a 3D MMORPG set in a typical fantasy world. The game offers several different character classes and a number of PvE and PvP activities. The game was developed and published by the creators of the first MU Origin, i.e. the Korean company [...]
MU Legend is a top down MMORPG from Webzen and the sequel to 2003’s MU Online. MU Legend is a top down MMORPG from Webzen and the sequel to 2003’s MU Online.