Blitzer ## Description Aliens have taken over the Earth, and the only way to stop them is to rescue the six scientists who know the secret necessary to defeat the invaders. Piloting a helicopter, the player must battle alien ships and save the world! It [...]
Mighty Flip Champs! DX ## Description Take control of multiple dimensions as Alta in Mighty Flip Champs! Navigate your way through different worlds and dimensions as you attempt to make your way to the exit. Use your Magical Warp Wand to switch to new [...]
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Shantae is here! Fans asked, and WayForward has answered with a powder keg of high-octane, hair-whipping, hip-shaking action available only on the Nintendo DSiWare service. Shantae: Risky’s Revenge sets the bar [...]
Emlith ## Description This Tetris clone has a few slightly unusual features: it is possible to control the game with either mouse or keyboard, and the player has a great deal of control over the size of the playing field and which shapes are included. [...]
Genie-girl Shantae is the self-appointed guardian of a small fishing village, Scuttle Town. Living life in a lighthouse rather than a bottle, she’s constantly on the lookout for danger. When the nefarious lady-pirate, Risky Boots catches wind of the [...]