The Secrets of Alamut ## Description The Secrets of Alamut (aka “Legend Part 2”) begins where the first game The Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin left off as the main character, Ay- Sayf, sits beside the campfire in the desert. Still [...]
Robert Marvin-Jones is a billionaire recluse who decides to pay homage to Alfred Hitchcock by making a film in his backyard; however his film crew have gone missing and possibly been brutally murdered. Meanwhile, private detective Joseph Shamley has [...]
The 2003 version of NGT includes many new innovations: detailed animations, enhanced controls, super realistic trackside details like ball boys and show-time match presentations. Experience points to improve your player’s skills, bonus courts and [...]
The Pro Beach Soccer Tour (PBST) are international events in the sport of beach soccer. First started in 1996, the PBST is an international exhibition tour in beach soccer allowing teams to practice in beach soccer as well as to allow spectators to see [...]
Inquisition ## Description This game takes place in France during the medieval 14th century when the Holy Inquisition reigned over the populus and poverty and wide-spread hunger were common place. During this time in history, simple survival (and your [...]
Playing Next Generation Tennis is like playing a match and watching it live on TV at the same time, with slow motion replays, umpire announcements, realistic player behaviour and crowd noise all adding that touch of authenticity. With over 10 game modes [...]