## Description _Race Car ‘Rithmetic_ is an educational games where up to four players compete in a race by answering math questions. Players that answer questions correctly move one space ahead while those that answer incorrectly will have to make a [...]
Futuria ## Description A timewarp in space transports you to the year 2190 and places you in a strange city called Futuria. This adventure games pits you against the Futurian Robots bent on your destruction. You must get back to your ship and escape! [...]
All About America ## Description _All About America_ is an educational game that teaches children American history and geography as well as the English language. It consists of two main activities: history lessons and map reading skills. Both of these can [...]
The Wonders of the Animal Kingdom ## Description _The Wonders of The Animal Kingdom_ is an educational game for ages six to twelve that consists of six learning activities. The game intends to train a number of skills including reading comprehension, [...]
10 Little Robots ## Description Ten Little Robots is an educational game for preschoolers. It teaches math and computer use and consists of five activities that all involve robots: * The Robot Story: An interactive rhyme where the story is read out and [...]