America’s Army is a free package of games created by American Army specialists and Department of Defense experts to show young people (potential conscripts) the backstage of being a soldier and encourage them to join the ranks of the army. [...]
A few years back a coalition of forces led by the U.S. intervened in the Ostregal Islands at the request of the RDO Government who was attacked by the nation of Czervenia. U.S. Forces engaged in police action and reconnaissance operations to protect RDO [...]
America’s Army is the name given to a game technology platform used to develop first person shooter (FPS) games published in 2002 by the U.S. Army. The game is branded as a strategic communication device, designed to allow young Americans to [...]
America’s Army: Proving Grounds ## Description ### PlayStation Store Description America’s Army: Proving Grounds is the Official game of the U.S. Army and part of the highly acclaimed America’s Army game series. This free military game [...]
America’s Army fans and new players alike can now experience America’s Army 3, the official U.S. Army game, which has more authentic military elements including training, technology, weapons, and audio than any other military game. Built on [...]