Summer Olympiad, also known as Summer Challenge, is a game that was specifically developed as a competitive product for the Epyx games series. All disciplines can also be found in the Epyx games. Summer Olympiad
## Description _Super Gran_ is a game using the character from the 80s TV Show of the same name. You play as Super Gran and you must play eight levels with four different styles of games, as you attempt to thwart Scunner Campbell and his goons Tub and [...]
## Description You play the role of _Raffles_ the Master burglar and your aim is to enter five towns and rob five mansions in each. Your first task, in this top view single screen, is to drive in the town from your hotel to one of the mansions, avoiding [...]
## Description A compilation of the two following games: * One for the Road \- a clone of Pac-Man, where the player drives a car around the maze picking up the Cat’s Eye’s, avoiding the hostile road signs. The road signs become temporarily [...]
## Description _Mount Vesuvius_ is erupting and the sheherds and farmers that live in the houses beside the slopes need rescuing. You have been chosen to take your helicopter in this side view horizontal scrolling game where the screen scrolls when you [...]
## Description _Hoppit_ is a Frogger clone that sees you attempt to get a frog home to his lily pad at the top of the screen in this top view single screen game. There are two sections that have to be crossed safely and they are a road and a river with [...]
## Description Like so many other “Games” games, _European Games_ is primarily a joystick- waggler, with some precision elements thrown in. Taking place over five or six disciplines, depending on platform, you generally go left to right (or [...]
Mirax Force ## Description Uridium is the obvious influence on this shooter, viewed from above and scrolling both left and right. As a member of the Mirax Force attack team, you and your Star Quest spaceship are crucial to your planet’s survival. [...]