A.E. (Which stands for Anti Environmental) is a Space Invaders inspired game with a 3D view. A.E. is an arcade style shooting game in which you have to shoot down waves of evil flying mechanical stingrays in order to save your planet. A.E. (TOSHIBA)
Flash Splash es un shooter vertical básico. En este juego no tienes que proteger a la Tierra de una invasión alienígena. No, todo lo que tienes que hacer es disparar a diversos objetos, como pelotas de tenis, cerdos, walkmans y varios otros objetos. Este [...]
## Description _Ultra Resort Keroncuel_ is an exploration-oriented FMV adventure game. The player is transported to a fantastic space resort and given free reign to explore and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. There is only a light story and some gentle [...]
## Description _A.E._ is a Space Invaders inspired game with a 3D view. In A.E. the earth is under attack by swarms of aliens who drop bomb after bomb and it’s your job to defend planet Earth. You control a laser cannon that moves horizontally at [...]
## Description _Master of Monsters_ is a turn-based strategy game in which you choose one of five different wizards and fight the other wizards for domination of the land that stands without a ruler after the master wizard’s death. You can play in [...]
Master of Monsters ## Description Master of Monsters is a turn-based strategy game in which you choose one of five different wizards and fight the other wizards for domination of the land that stands without a ruler after the master wizard’s death. [...]
The Case of the Cautious Condor ## Description It’s the summer of 1937 and the dark clouds of war loom on the distant horizon. The enigmatic industrialist, Bronson Bernard has invited a selected group of guests for the historic maiden launch of his [...]