## Description _Yes Chancellor!_ is a simulation game about the British economy that puts the player in charge as the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The aim of the game is to stay in power long enough to win three elections and be awarded a life peerage. [...]
## Description This double-pack from Topologika concludes Peter Killworth’s Doom trilogy with _Last Days of Doom_ , another futuristic exploration adventure set on the treacherous world of Doomawangara. This time around the planet Doom appears to [...]
Spy Snatcher ## Description As an agent of MI7 you’ve to unmask a ‘mole’. The plans for the new Sonic Macrothrodule are believed to have been leaked and you’ve to solve the puzzle within one hour. Spy Snatcher
Kingdom of Hamil ## Description You are the rightful heir to the throne of Hamil – stolen away as a young child, you had grown up unaware of your birthright. To you, the kingdom of Hamil was known only through myths and rumors: a place of magic and [...]
Acheton ## Description _Acheton_ is a home computer conversion of the mainframe adventure of the same name. Similar to Zork (which was released on the VAX mainframe not long before _Acheton’s_ original appearance), it is a fantasy treasure hunt set [...]