Based on episodes from VIZ Media’s hit anime series Shonen Jump Naruto, the new game features a unique time-based combat system in which players must determine each character’s strengths and use them accurately to help them defeat the enemy. [...]
Uncle Scrooge has invited you and a whole cast of Disney characters to visit his new Party Park, which he designed himself with all of his favorite youngsters in mind. Disney’s Party drops you into the mix with Mickey Mouse and friends to embark on [...]
Players progress through the game as a robot racing through a pipe, shooting everything that moves. The robot can shoot from both arms, jump, kick and punch. There are also power-ups and bonuses that can be collected to upgrade the robot's weapons and [...]
Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu 4 The game is essentially Naruto: Ninja Council 3, though its character-related content such as Kimimaro, the Sound Four’s special attacks and their alternate forms themselves are changed or removed from the European [...]
A sequel to Tomcat/Tomy’s Monopoly for the Super Famicom. The game once again has a hub area that the player can walk around and get into Monopoly games.