Galactic Conqueror ## Description As rebel forces close in on the space station Gallion, you launch strikes against enemy-controlled planets in the most sophisticated techno-toy available to mankind, the space fighter Thunder Cloud II. The game is a blend [...]
Dick Tracy ## Description Dick Tracy is a tie in to the 1990 movie adaptation of the classic comic strip, staring Warren Beatty and Madonna. While an action/adventure hybrid using this license was released by Disney for the PC and Amiga, Titus also held a [...]
Fire and Forget ## Description Restore peace on earth and collect a high score while doing so in the first one of the Fire and Forget games by Titus. Fire and Forget is a racing game in which you have to complete courses by blowing up various enemies and [...]
Superman ## Description Lex Luthor pulls off another stunt, this time he and Braniac have developed a virtual reality version of Metropolis to trick the people of the fair city. And Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are the first to be tricked. It’s all to [...]