Computer Facts in Five ## Description A computer version of Avalon Hill’s board game, Facts in Five, this game challenges players to recall trivia by category and initial letter. The computer generates five categories (e.g. “Living [...]
Clear for Action ## Description Ship-to-ship combat in the days of sail. You play against the computer, with your ship at the bottom of the screen. The enemy ship soon appears at or around the top of the screen. Once sited, the computer announces [...]
North Atlantic Convoy Raider ## Description It is May 8, 1941 and you are Captain of the mighty German battleship Bismarck the single most powerful ship in the Atlantic. Hitler has given you the nearly impossible task of fighting through the British Home [...]
Telengard is an earlier example of a “dungeon crawler” role-playing game–albeit with a top-down view- with either real time movement (DOS version) or turn-based movement and turn based combat. Telengard is also played in real time, which [...]
Dreadnoughts ## Description Dreadnoughts is a turn-based surface fleet battle simulator. It accurately recreates the looks, specifications and tactics of fleets of major naval engagements in the ‘Great War’ of 1914 to 1918. The game starts by [...]
The time is the late 20th century. You and a neighboring country have developed a nuclear capability. Your neighbor’s sole objective is to utterly annihilate you. As the tension mounts while you are conducting espionage, building [...]
3-D Brickaway ## Description This is a racquetball-like game that is best described as a 3D variation of Breakout. You are at the end on a rectangular room. On the other end is a wall made of bricks or blocks. The ball travels down to the wall and knocks [...]