Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russi ## Description _Napoleon in Russia_ simulates the historical battle in 1812 near the town of Borodino, Russia. You, as the player, control battalion-sized units and individual leaders on the side of your choice. The map [...]
The Operational Art of War II: Modern Battles 1956-2000 ## Description The Operational Art of War (TOAW), Volume II is a combined simulation and scenario editor covering military campaigns over the 1956-2000 period. Your forces are not just a collection [...]
Martian Gothic : Unification is one of the numerous titles which came out at the end of the PlayStation lifespan. At first glance, it looks like a typical Resident Evil rip-off with a futuristic paint, a disturbing cover and bad voice-acting. Of course, [...]
Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo ## Description Recreation of the battles of Ligny and Quatre-Bras (16 Jun 1815) using the “Battleground”-system. Includes several scenarios differing in size and difficulty. In-game map view can be toggled [...]
Dogs of War ## Description Dogs of War is a real-time tactical game set in a full 3D environment. Three factions are fighting each other for supremacy: the Imperial Order, the rebel organization Warmonkeys, and the alien race of Mantai. Battles take place [...]
Battleground 5: Antietam ## Description The third game in series of American Civil War. It includes eight scenario modules totalling some 25 scenarios. In the case of Antietam this means the game focuses on individual areas of the battle, including the [...]