In a remote corner of the galaxy, there lives a race of super-brains known as the Burai. For thousands of years, their vast mental capabilities have been focused upon one goal: the conquest of the universe! To accomplish this, they are creating huge [...]
THE ROAR OF THUNDER IS BACK! THE SERIES THAT CHANGED THE HISTORY OF ARCADE SHOOT’EM UPS IS COMING TO XBOX 360! Instill fear in your enemies with devastating attacks and earn the acclaimed title of Master Ace!
Bust-A-Move Live! Also Known As: Puzzle Bobble Live! (EU, JP) Bust-A-Move, sometimes known as Puzzle Bobble, returns in Bust-A-Move Live!, with all of its exciting pick-up-and-play gameplay intact. Dazzling graphics and a surreal soundtrack create a [...]
GO in the popular train driving game "Train! "Series. "Nagasaki Sasebo Line", "Seto-Ohashi Line," "Kosei Line" to 5 lines of "Shonan Shinjuku Line," "Tsurumi", 683-based Thunderbird and 783 system Huis Ten Bosch, such as a total of 80 models over [...]
The gameplay structure consists of the player progressing through a series of short minigames. The game features a total of 96 different dishes. Each minigame represents a different activity in the meal preparation, such as mixing, frying, or chopping the [...]
In the game, the player goes through five levels, using throwing stars and special ninjutsu abilities called the “ninja arts”, to stop a gang and the evil mastermind behind a slew of kidnappings, El Toro. One of the kidnapped is a student of [...]