Alien Typhoon ## Description Alien Typhoon is an enhanced version of Apple Galaxian,with more aliens on screen. In essence it is a variant of the arcade game Galaxian. It is a shoot-’em-up where a formation of alien ships attack your lone starship [...]
After obtaining aid from the lords of the realm in Ultima I, your character travels back in time, locates the mad wizard Mondain, slays him, and ends his reign of terror. In Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress, Mondain’s protégé, Minax, who [...]
Phantasie 3: The Wrath of Nikademus ## Description _Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus_ is the third chapter of the _Phantasie_ trilogy. This time, the Dark Lord Nikademus has set his evil sights on conquering – not only an island – but the [...]
An asteroid is on collision course with Earth and it’s up to the player to prevent the inevitable catastrophe. “Mission Asteroid” is the third text adventure with graphical illustrations by Sierra. But due to its easy difficulty level it [...]
The designers of the Bard’s Tale series, Wasteland, and Battle Chess pooled their talents to create the ultimate role-playing fantasy. They knew it had to be a first-rate story with sophisticated graphics. The result was Dragon Wars. Sailing across [...]
In the first graphic adventure game ever, the player along with seven other people is in an old mansion hunting for some jewels. All too soon it becomes obvious that someone is killing one member of group after another. It is the player’s task in [...]
You are trapped in the castle of a Transylvanian count and only have three days and nights to defeat the count. In order to do so you have to solve puzzles, find secret passageways and most importantly have to be careful not to fall prey to the creatures [...]