Unlimited Adventures ## Description _Unlimited Adventures_ allows players to create their own fantasy role- playing games, especially those set in the _Forgotten Realms_ world, similar to SSI’s AD&D Gold Box series. The game is required to play [...]
Field of Fire ## Description Field of Fire is a historically accurate tactical game of WWII combat. You play the commander of Easy Company, one of the finest companies of the First Infantry Division. Your assignment is to lead Easy Company through eight [...]
Panzer Strike! ## Description Panzer Strike is a tactical level simulation of small unit actions during WWII. Three theatres are covered: the entire Eastern Front, Western Front campaigns that do not involve American troops and the North African Campaign. [...]
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager ## Description After defeating the Drajian army, four former gladiator slaves journey to the recently liberated city of Tyr, whose evil sorcerer-king Kalak was recently slain. Although freed from Kalak’s tyranny, Tyr is [...]
The Battle of Shiloh ## Description A turn-based strategy wargame set at the dawn of the US civil war, recreating the first major clash between the Confederate army and Grant’s forces. The game is played from an hexagonal grid and divided on turns [...]
Star Command ## Description Star Command is a sci-fi role-playing game set in a vast fictional universe and featuring tactical space and squad-level combat, similar to SSI’s Pool of Radiance released the same year and other games of the Gold Box [...]