This is the European version of the installation disc for setting up the Playstation 2 Network Adapter. The disc’s purpose is to install a file on your Memory Card containing connection settings, which will then be accessible by various games that [...]
Classic demo disc that came with all PlayStation 1 consoles in the PAL region. The disc contains demos from the likes of Disney’s Hercules, Abe’s Odyssey, Overboard and Rage Race. It also contains two tech demos and two previews of upcoming [...]
Playable Sky Odyssey Star Wars Starfighter Warriors of Might and Magic Trailer Bloody Roar 3 Formula 1 2001 Giants Gun Griffon Blaze MDK 2 Red Faction Shadowman 2nd Coming SSX Snowboarding Star Wars Super Bombad Racing Zone of the Enders Other Voyage of [...]
HDD Utility Disc is software to format a hard disk drive for use in a PlayStation 2 console, in conjunction with Network Adapter. It works with only the official PlayStation 2 HDD unit. It’s main feature is to allow creation of folders on the HDD to [...]
Everybody’s Stress Buster 골프와 테니스 양쪽 모두 게임으로 있지만 압도적인 타이틀 수로 볼 때 골프 쪽이 더 유명한 ‘모두의’ 게임 시리즈에 독특한 게임이 추가됐다. 가볍게 즐기며 스트레스 해소를 할 수 있게 해준다는, 진입장벽이 거의 없는 12가지의 미니 게임을 담아 모두의 스트레스를 팍! 하고 해소해준다는 게임 모음이 그것이다. Everybody’s Stress Buster
Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary Twenty years after Pac-Man’s first adventure in Pac-Land, Pac-Man returns one day to his house only to find it deserted. Toc-Man and his ghosts have kidnapped Pac-Man’s friends, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac Jr., Baby Pac, [...]