Set in the fantasy world of Spira, the game’s story revolves around a group of adventurers and their quest to defeat a rampaging monster known as Sin. The player character is Tidus, a blitzball star who finds himself in Spira after his home city of [...]
Singstar: Svenska Stjärnor Nu äntligen en helsvensk Singstarplatta till Playstation 3. Kolla in låtlistan så är förfesten fixad! Låtlista: Adam Tensta – My Cool Agnes – On And On Atomic Swing – Stone Me Into A Groove Björn Skifs – [...]
Lemmings is a 2006 video game developed by Team17 and released by Sony Computer Entertainment, remake of the original Lemmings published in 1991. The game has been released in slightly different versions for PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, and [...]
In the year 1286, an evil sorcerer named Zarok plotted to take over the kingdom of Gallowmere with his undead army. It is told in legend that the King of Gallowmere's champion, Sir Daniel Fortesque, led his army to victory and managed to kill Zarok before [...]
Buzz!: The Big Quiz is the second in the Buzz! series of PlayStation 2 games developed by Relentless Software.
Initial promotional material had it named Buzz! The Uber Quiz, however Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announced the change upon the game's [...]
Following the adventures of Lazarus Jones on his first day on the Detroit Police Force, Ghosthunter sees the plucky rookie called in to investigate a disturbance in an old abandoned school, the scene of a grisly (and ultimately unsolved) mass-murder. [...]
In Kensington in the year 1886, 500 years after Sir Daniel Fortesque's battle against the evil sorcerer Zarok, a sorcerer named Lord Palethorn discovers Zarok's spellbook and casts its spell of raising the dead over the city of London. However, the pages [...]