Comanche CD ## Description This is a compilation of the voxel-based simulations of the helicopter RAH-66. It contains the following games: * Comanche: Maximum Overkill (base game) * Comanche: Global Challenge (add-on) * Comanche: Over the Edge (add-on) In [...]
Rally Challenge ## Description Rally Challenge is a rally game featuring three vehicles: the Proton Wira, the Toyota Celica GT4 and the Subaru Impreza WRX. Gameplay is based on running a rally stage – a twisty section of road with snow, mud, asphalt [...]
Harpoon Classic ## Description A naval battle simulator based on Larry Bond’s popular Harpoon board-game from 1980. In addition to the material found in the original game, this release adds North Atlantic, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean battlesets [...]
Golf Pro 2000 Downunder ## Description Softkey’s Golf Pro 2000 Downunder combines the familiar gameplay mechanics of the 3-click swing meter – similar to other golf sim titles of the era – with a powerful 3D engine that brings the [...]
Reader Rabbit 3 ## Description Reader Rabbit 3 is part of Reader Rabbit series, that is aimed at older children. When the Daily Skywriter News Company of World-ville needs some help, Reader Rabbit goes their to volunteer. In four different activities you [...]
Wrath of Earth ## Description A distress signal was sent from the Aragon mining colony on a planet called Thermadax, taking five years to arrive to the Earth. A cybernetically enhanced fighter protected by an exoskeleton with mounted weaponry is sent to [...]
Al Unser Jr. Arcade Racing ## Description As the game title implies, Al Unser, Jr. Arcade Racing is an action oriented racing game. While the game is set in the IndyCar racing league, not all 15 courses feature the trademark oval design; some of them are [...]
Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR ## Description Cyberbykes was one of the earliest 3d games to support VR glasses and graphic resolutions higher than the VGA standard. It also includes network play and an editor. You control a robotic bike remotely. Blow up [...]