Khalaan ## Description _Khalaan_ is a strategy game of empire building set in the ancient Arabic world. Turn based, it requires you to establish trade, raise armies, and manage your economy to build a strong empire. You can expand your empire through [...]
Prophecy of the Shadow ## Description A long foretold prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The Shadow Lords are on the verge of entering our world. The hero has to find a way to break the string of events, that are foretold by the prophecy. Magic is dying [...]
Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal 1942-43 ## Description Great Naval Battles Guadalcanal 1942-1943 is the second installment of Strategic Simulations Advanced Simulator Series. The game sends you to the South Pacific for the monumental conflict [...]
Soul Crystal ## Description Your name is Dave, and these are your first holidays you’re spending alone, without your parents. You’re resting in a hotel near a mysterious loch in scottland. You go swimming in the lake and dive through a [...]
Living Puzzles: Triazzle Living Puzzles: Triazzle ## Description In the game you have to solve the puzzles by turning and situating the triangles in valid places. Each side of triangles is defined by a creature. If parts of creature are correct then [...]
Star Wars: TIE Fighter – Enemies of the Empire ## Description _Star Wars: TIE Fighter – Defender of the Empire_ is a campaign disk for Star Wars: TIE Fighter. Emperor Palpatine has ordered Vice Admiral Thrawn to stop the traitor Admiral Zaarin [...]
Zehn Adventures ## Description Zehn Adventures is a compilation of ten adventure games stored on two CDs. It contains the following nine DOS games: * Day of the Tentacle * Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis * Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The [...]