Magic Boxes ## Description A mathematical game with a twist: you are given a four by four equation lattice with the symbols and numbers missing. Your job is to fill in the squares so that all the equations across and down are correct. You have a set of [...]
Dark Designs II: Closing the Gate ## Description Having recovered Grelminar’s Staff in Dark Designs I: Grelminar’s Staff, a group of adventurers must now journey to Mount Delkeina, traverse the dangerous tunnels there, defeat an evil warlord, [...]
Pixel Puzzler ## Description This program takes graphic files, splits them into squares and shuffles the squares around. By selecting two squares with the keyboard or mouse, the player can swap their locations on the screen. The object is to reassemble [...]
Sub Stalker ## Description Sight enemy subs from your command post in your yellow submarine — then blast away! Since the first submarine of Leonardo da Vinci, men have wanted to engage in underwater combat in the oceans’ depths. With Sub [...]
Trapped in a land where giant vegetables rule the day, you must fight your way through an army of vicious broccoli beasts, savage asparagus warriors and a bushel of other leafy green nasties before battling the fiercest spud of all, King Boobus Tuber. [...]
Dangerous Dave Returns ## Description The famous French art thief Bobby Forget has stolen artwork from around the world and he hid them on a deserted island. It’s Dangerous Dave’s task to get these treasures back from ten different levels. [...]
Dark Designs I: Grelminar’s Staff ## Description In this fantasy role-playing game, an army of evil extra-dimensional creatures is building above the Gandolan mountains, threatening the civilized regions to the south. There is no army to defend the [...]
The object of the game was to collect gold cups to move on to the next level. Since the original 1988 publishing of Dangerous Dave on UpTime, there have been three sequels and three ports of the original to other platforms. The idea of Dangerous Dave came [...]