## Description Hundred years ago, a fearsome dragon nearly destroyed the entire world, but was stopped and sealed by Prince Grinstain of Bamas and the Royal Princess Respina of Pars, who used magical Hartinum equipment to defeat it. However, a malevolent [...]
## Description _Izmir_ is a sci-fi 3D chase-view shooter similar to Space Harrier. The player controls an armored mech who is deployed onto a hostile planet and has to destroy or avoid mechanized enemies and traps on his way. The mecha can freely fly or [...]
## Description The Earth was plagued by a global war that lasted twenty years. The invention of the Arcadia Bomb led to an uneasy peace. Shortly afterwards, a warrior race known as Lelia expressed their interest in the bomb and attacked the weakened [...]
Super Samtong ## Description Super Samtong is an action role-playing game starring the titular character, an ex-Mirinae mascot who became the property of Sailon after it split off the mother company. The yellow round creature finds himself in the unusual [...]
Apachacha ## Description Apachacha is a side-scrolling action game with light platforming elements, starring a Native American warrior who must save the land from an evil demon and his minions. The player advances from stage to stage in a strictly linear [...]