The adventures of Freddy Pharkas, a pharmacist living in Coarsegold in the 1800s, where he moved to cover up his past as a former gunslinger who quit when he got his ear shot off by a rival. When a string of strange happenings and a pack of wild outlaws [...]
Welcome to Rise of the Dragon. This unique game is based on Dynamix Game Development System, which comes with many improvement in adventure gaming. The characters have personalities and a past and as real people, they remember what you said or did to [...]
Players of the original game are never told the hero's name, but are instead asked to enter their own. The default name of "Roger Wilco" — a reference to the radio communication, "Roger, Will Comply" — became the de facto name of the hero in the later [...]
The opening sequence of the game finds Larry mowing the lawn of Eve, his sexual encounter from the ending of the previous game, implying the pair have remained together. However, this is quickly revealed to be an instance of an unreliable narrator, as Eve [...]
It has been over 2 years since the agressive Orbs attacked the Earth. Now you work as a Manhunter, the highest post which can a human achieve in the Orb Aliance. Your job is to hunt down all humans who, in some way, have wronged the Aliance. Once you [...]
Lords of Magic ## Description In the fantasy world known as Urak, supporters of eight different religions constantly fight each other. One of them is Balkoth, known as the Lord of Death, who worships the dark deity Golgoth. Balkoth has sworn to destroy [...]