Explore the haunted history of a ballet school while guided by spirits from another dimension! Can you help guide these poor souls home? Find out, in Black Swan!
After yacht crash in a mysterious storm, Jane and Mike found themselves on the coast and separated. Exploring the mysterious island, Jane must figure out what happened to Mike. Hurry, before it will be too late!
Evil witch decided to marry a prince. And everyone, who rejected her, she turned to frogs. Help bewitched princes to reach their brides to cure the spell with a kiss of love.
There is an island in the ocean that’s lost in the fog and absent from all geography maps. The seafarer suffers a shipwreck and gets washed ashore an island. He attempts to find a way out, as he develops a relationship with the natives. The ultimate [...]
Jane Angel , an FBI agent and an art expert, is investigating the case of medieval coins contraband. All the clues show that Jane has found the way to discover the Holy Grail hidden by the mysterious Knights Templar. Where could the Holy Grail be found [...]